Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My baby turned 7, on Saturday, May 8th. He's growing up. As a present to him he gets to go to "doggy daycare" once a week. Its the coolest place just around the corner. He loves it.

Yesterday he went for his intitial interview. After 45 minutes I went to pick him up, he didn't want to leave. He was soo tired even after such a short time.

He was so good, he even got to pick out a treat.

They are so cool. They are made there and are all edible.

Today he went, he was there for 5 hours. I just picked him up and then he slept the entire way home (5 minutes) and is now cozy right next to me

Friday, May 7, 2010

Budget Cuts

Today was a cut day. Fantastic. Senior year + senioritis + cut day = much needed break. I find myself waking up every morning thinking of a new excuse to not go to school. So far only one has been successful. And it was that there was a cut day.

Since I had all this free time on my hands, I traveled to Hillsboro to see Baby Riley and Janet. Well, to my surprise my baby Riley, is not a baby at all.
We went to the park

I taught him what monkey bars were. You're welcome. You can thank me later.

We had lunch with Daddy at Intel :) MMMMM Pizza

and after all that walking and playing, we watched Finding Nemo.

"Awh, you guys made me ink"

Tomorrow: they come see me :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I'm in a photography class at school, so today my mom and I headed out to the country for some landscape photos. But you wouldn't believe what we came across.
Yep. 4 bald eagles. they were closer but I love the one of the flying. It was awesome.
I learned how to make a panoramic photo!
Also made biscotti and chocolate mousse today from the Foods class I've been taking. :) Yummy

ps. 34 days till I graduate. counting non school days.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Here we go...

I figure I better start a way for all those curious people in my life to keep in touch with me as I make my journey to college. So here it is.

I'm almost done with high school! 5 more weeks. I can't believe it.

Well, i'm not sure how good I'll be at this, but I'll try. It'll be fun to look back on. :)